Where Is Shakespeare believes that people should expand their horizons and see plays that they have never seen before. Therefore, here are a few reviews of past Shakespeare performances that have been on our master list. These reviews will be changed every other month to make sure these reviews are "fresh" and current.

"Sex, murder, adultery, madness, political assassination, sword this isn't the premiere of Game of Thrones, it's Hamlet at the Shakespeare Tavern Playhouse! Who needs dragons when Lee Osorio in the title role breathes fires as he turns Shakespeare’s words into scalding hot passion? Putting on Shakespeare's most famous play is no easy feat, but the Atlanta Shakespeare Company’s current production does a credit to the author."
-Atlanta Shakespeare Company, Hamlet

"The Comedy of Errors is one of Shakespeare’s earliest and most popular works, so there is little point recounting the plot. One must only remember that it is the one with two sets of twins: one a pair of masters, the other a pair of servants, separated in infancy by a shipwreck (rather than the one in which one pair of twins is separated by a shipwreck in adulthood). Because the Bard adapted it from Plautus’ Menaechmi, the play is also something of an oddity in the Shakespeare canon in that it is both one of only two works that adhere to the Aristotelian unities of time, place, and action while also being the most tightly structured of all his plays. Nowhere else is Shakespeare so meticulous about pairing causes with effects.
-Shakespeare Theatre Company, Comedy of Errors